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Mark is an investment industry veteran. Over the past three decades he has provided stock, mutual fund and ETF analysis, as well as overall portfolio analysis, and information on economic and market dynamics to advisory firms nationwide.


He is a long-standing member and past board member of the CFA Institute & CFA Society of Portland, and SIFMA Research Director and a CFA Research Challenge Judge. He was formerly a Director of Private Client Research at multibillion dollar advisory firm which handled over $28 billion of assets under management.

28 Year Investment Industry Veteran (1994)

24 Year Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) (1999)

Bachelor of Arts, International Affairs, University of Puget Sound (1992)

German Immersion Studies, Language & Literature, Universität Passau, Germany (1991)

Founder of three investment companies since 2003


Prior Director of Private Client Research, D.A. Davidson & Co., then 350 FAs, $28 billion AUM

Prior Investment Advisory Committee member and senior manager of $450 million HNW accounts at US Bank Private Wealth Management

Chief Investment Officer (CIO) experience at several multi-billion dollar AUM firms

Member of CFA Institute, CFA Society of Portland

Past multiple term Board Member, CFA Society of Portland

Past multiple term Judge, CFA Institute Research Challenge

Past Chairman, SIFMA Research Directors Roundtable


Past Board Member, Oregon Repertory Singers


Currently providing Chief Investment Officer solutions for firms in excess of $5 billion AUM

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